Contingent Search

Contingent search is a recruitment approach where a staffing agency is compensated only when a candidate they present is successfully hired. This model allows organizations to engage recruitment services without upfront costs, making it a flexible option for filling various roles, especially for mid-level positions.

How Does Contingency Recruitment Work?

1. Client Engagement: Organizations partner with our agency to discuss their hiring needs and job specifications.

2. Candidate Sourcing: We actively search for candidates using our extensive database and network.

3. Submission of Candidates: We present qualified candidates to the client, along with detailed profiles and insights.

4. Client Selection: The client reviews the candidates and decides whom to interview.

5. Hiring Decision: Once a candidate is selected and hired, we receive a fee based on the agreed terms.

How Does Contingency Recruitment Work?


You only pay for successful placements, minimizing financial risk.


Our agency can quickly source candidates, helping you fill positions faster.

Access to Talent

We tap into a wide network of potential candidates, including passive jobseekers.


Contingency recruitment allows you to scale your hiring efforts as needed without long-term commitments.
Why choose us

Our Process


We meet with you to understand your specific needs, culture, and job requirements.

Candidate Sourcing

We leverage our resources to identify and attract suitable candidates.

Screening and Shortlisting

 Our team conducts initial interviews and assessments to shortlist the best candidates.


We provide you with candidate profiles and recommendations.

Interview Coordination

 We facilitate the interview process between you and the candidates.

Offer Management

 We assist in negotiations and finalizing the offer with the chosen candidate.

Offer Management

 We assist in negotiations and finalizing the offer with the chosen candidate.

Post-Hire Support

We follow up to ensure a smooth onboarding experience.

Our Value Proposition

At Recruit Pro, we combine industry expertise with a client-focused approach. Our commitment to understanding your business and culture sets us apart. With our contingent recruitment service, you gain access to a pool of talent without upfront costs, backed by a dedicated team focused on your success. Let us help you find the right candidates to drive your organization forward.







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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)